Transgender Health


These presentations, first given at Converging Crises in Transgender Activism, Health, and Rights in 2021, the 1st inaugural conference of the Transgender Professional Association for Transgender Health @TPATHealth cover both the fields of social epidemiology and family therapy/family systems theory from the lens of Minority Stress Theory.

By examining the proximal and distal causes of stress, anxiety, depression and interpersonal conflict in response to the sociopolitical climate, these presentations offer insight into the specific ways that toxic political rhetoric and discriminatory policy impacts transgender and non-binary people.

Both presentations are a small sneak-peak at manuscripts currently in peer review, which will be available for pre-release as soon as they are available. For links and resources associated with the second presentation on Family Systems and trans youth see my linktree.



Pletta DR, Kant JD, Ehrensaft D, MacNish M, Cahill S, Katz-Wise SL. (2022) The 2016 United States presidential election’s impact on families with transgender adolescents in New England. Journal of Family Psychology. 36(1), 23–34.

Kant, J. D., & Boskey, E. R. (2023). The role of social work and social welfare in the current crisis facing trans youth in the US, Critical and Radical Social Work, 11(1), 131-148.

Boskey, E. R., & Kant, J. D. (2023). Unreasonable Expectations: A Call for Training and Educational Transparency in Gender-affirming Surgery. Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open, 11(1), e4734.

Aldrich, J, Kant, J, and Gramszlo, E. (2023) Gender-Affirming Care, Incarceration, and the Eighth Amendment. American Medical Association Journal of Ethics. 2023;25(6):E407-413.

Boskey, ER, Jolly, D, Kant, JD, Ganor, O. (2023) Prospective Evaluation of Psychosocial Changes After Chest Reconstruction in Transmasculine and Non-Binary Youth. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2023 Sep;73(3):503-509. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2023.04.029. Epub 2023 Jun 5.

Subedi, S., Kant, J., Miranda, N., Anacheka-Nasemann, R., Martinez, J., & Ganor, O. (2024). “I was largely unguided trying to figure it out on my own”: experiences of genital tucking among transfeminine and gender diverse individuals. International Journal of Transgender Health, 1–12.

Abstracts & presentations

Boskey, ER., Kant, JD. Elevated History of Attempted Suicide in Gender Minority Individuals Mediated by Experiences of Gender-Identity Based Discrimination. November 4, 2023. United States Professional Association for Transgender Health Conference, Westminster, Colorado.

Subedi, S., Kant, JD, Martinez, J., Tabaac, A., Ganor, O. Genital Tucking Practices and Health Outcomes Among Transgender Women and Transfeminine Individuals. Presented at United States Professional Association for Transgender Health Conference, November, 2023. Westminster, Colorado.

Kant, JD, Godwin, EG, Parsa, N, Tabaac, AR, Gordon, AR, Katz-Wise, SL. Minority Stress Among Transgender Youth and Family Members Around the 2020 US Election. Presented at “Converging Crises in Transgender Activism, Health, and Rights in 2021”, Transgender Professional Association for Transgender Health inaugural conference. July 31, 2021. Virtual/International.

Kant, JD, Pletta, D, Nishman, M, Katz-Wise, SL. Finding safety: Implications for clinical work with transgender and non-binary youth and their families from a qualitative study of the 2016-2018 U.S. political climate. Presented at “Converging Crises in Transgender Activism, Health, and Rights in 2021”, Transgender Professional Association for Transgender Health inaugural conference. August 1, 2021. Virtual/International.

Pletta, DP, Kant, JD, Ehresaft, D, MacNish, LMHC, Cahill, S, Katz-Wise, SL, How the 2016 United States presidential election affected families with transgender and nonbinary adolescents in New England: A qualitative study.  American Public Health Association annual conference, 2020. Virtual/International.

Pletta DR, Kant JD, Godwin EG, Katz-Wise SL. Politics at the dinner table: Impact of the 2016 presidential election on families with transgender and nonbinary teens in New England. Presentation given at the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) working group, Boston Children’s Hospital / Harvard Medical School / Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA.  

Kant, JD, Pletta, DP, Katz-Wise, SL. Integrating Family Systems Theory into Thematic Analsyis of Interviews with Transgender Youth. Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School, May 2020.